Qoute of the Day "If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe" ~ Dr. Carl Sagan
YAY !!!
The packing is basically done.. nothing left but the bare essentials..
you know like toiletry's, food and clothing, and the computer.... (can't live without the computer)
Which is great means on the day before the move the minor packing will be quick.
we are keeping the groceries to a bare minimum too, which is great, less food to move and less chance of things spoiling in the heat wave we are having right now..
the downside is... nothing fancy or fun... or in the case of today..
We are heading out to a party tonight for a friend Steph. , a night of somewhat adult company, a couple of beers, sitting outside, random debating...nothing to worry about, my plan.. to relax all day.. I earned it...
and then.....
around 1pm my wife calls....nothing to worry about she calls about random things or asks my option on things
Wife:" so you know the party tonight?"
Me:" Uhuh..... " OH NO!!! she gonna tell me I have to do something there goes my plans!! ACK!!!
Wife: "We gotta bring something to eat"
Me: SHYT!! I knew IT!!! " ok I will go pick something up to make"
Wife: "and while you are out.. we need...."
You all don't need to hear my honey-do list... but there goes my day of relaxing..
So Pack up the kid.. to Wal-mart we go... all the while trying to figure out what to make with the least amount of effort cause well it's Bleeding HOT!! The plus side to this little side trip is...Air conditioning...
the down side is little old people.... they are everywhere...
now before you start on me.. I like old people, they have some of the coolest stories... but damn it they are in my way... my day of relaxing and I GOT PLANS PEOPLE!!!
but I digress... after taking a small ice cream break.. the wee miss was deserving of a treat... we finished the honey-do list... took a walk through the toy aisle and still haven't figured out what to make.. everything takes too long or to complex or just to expensive to make at this time... and then I saw it...PIE!!!!
It's quick
and who doesn't like pie... (if you don't like pie then your a heathen and will be burnt at the stake for you blasphemy!!!)
I not lazy enough even on my day of relaxing to buy one of those machine made pies...
so quickly I pay, dodge the old people pileup...pack the kid up and head back home... and now I making apple pie... The house smells great.. the temperature is plus 40 degrees in the house...
but there is Pie.... mmm pie
I might even share it...
Have a good day
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