Sunday, July 31, 2011

Annnd Done....

Quote of the Day : "A house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body." ~ Benjamin Franklin 

 So we moved...Finally. 
Actually with only two minor mishaps, it may have been the best move I have ever participated in.
Everything was packed from the start, which is always one of my pet peeves. I hate moving while the person is still trying to pack everything... HATE IT!!! 
We had lots of help which again I will public thank everyone, again, I will have to write a whole bunch of moving I.O.U's. which I have no problem with.. 
 one of the minor mishaps was with the truck... We got it a little later then planed.. bout a hour and a half. but we got it.. and it was a BIG truck.. which was good because our entertainment stand it 6ft tall and 7ft long.. 
but it is amazing how smooth everything went.. and kinda funny to watch.. a Friend brought as they put it "the army of darkness" or as I was calling the the "red sea of Fury." four lovely young girls, ranging I believe, but don't quote me, from ages 5 to 14 years, and they were little work horses. at one point, I had to take the youngest aside and make her sit in front of the fan with a bottle of water, before she passed out from heat exhaustion...
 I think I might make them a cake....

the truck was loaded, traveled to the next town over.. (bout 40min's) and unloaded before 2:30 and so far the only thing broken, was one shelf on the giant entertainment stand, but since it wasn't a support piece and doesn't take away from the looks of the stand I am not worried...
All in all it was a good move... 
Now I am to tired to do much.. let alone unpack anything more then the computer and the coffee will be a long week...

Hope everyone enjoys their long weekend..


Sunday, July 24, 2011

I gonna Rant....

Quote of the day: "In itself, homosexuality is as limiting as heterosexuality:  the ideal should be to be capable of loving a woman or a man; either, a human being, without feeling fear, restraint, or obligation."  ~Simone de Beauvoir

So it's about time that I had a rant.. and I know someone or probably more then that is gonna be offended,

This weekend in London is Gay Pride parade/party
I HATE Gay-Pride... I find it offensive... there I said it.. now I gonna defend myself before the hate mail starts.. I don't not hate, Lesbians,Gays,Bisexuals, Transgenders,or Questioning. or any other of the sub groups there of.

     If your are one of the LGBTQ  Great!!! I believe that you SHOULD have the same rights and privileges as those that are not.. I think you should be able to walk down the street holding the hands of your partner or kissing your partner in public, to be able to marry whom ever you want, without the comments harassment or being stoned.
I have friends, that are LGBTQ. and support them completely... and I will continue to do so  society accepts them for who they are.

      But the Gay pride parade.. It is offensive to me on the same level as the the pro-life protesters do. (that is another rant for another day. And yes before you ask, I am pro-choice)
    I can't run a Straight Pride parade, cause I would get stoned.. and not in the Hey dude pass the doobie way, more in the biblical way, because that would make me a bigot, and a couple other things I can't spell...
    Why should every other group get to make a public statement, that interferes with the flow of the city? why should any one group have any special treatment over another?
  If every group got to have a parade or festival to mark their differences and  "Individuality" nothing would ever get done. we would have something taking up every weekend of the year... not that that is a bad thing, give people something to do..

At one point there was a purpose for it.. to get society for use to everyone being out in the open.. and it was good idea..Hell it was a Great IDEA!!
got the message out ... it got peoples attention...  now... not so much.

      The whole thing has gotten to the point of people being apathetic, or viewed as an excuse to be able to wiggle one's junk out in the open without being arrested for indecent exposure, party in the street and sell homemade crafts for more then normal because there is a cause behind it.
And in my opinion, the message got lost.
Somewhere in the between the sparkly buttocks and the capitalistic money grabbers

  Yes I agree that more needs to be done till all the bigotry is erased, and everyone is accepted. and I mean everyone...
But it the "Them" versus "Us" mentality, has never solved anything, and unfortunately it is everywhere, and that sucks
but there needs to be another way to get people to change their minds and to "see the Light"
but maybe instead of forcing  one's sexuality down people's throats.. (sorry best phrasing i got at the moment) maybe finding another way to teach tolerance and understanding,  and finding a way to get legislation changed.  part of that is instruction of our youth,
     One of the things I learned from working at McDonald's and viewing their business model is get them while their young, (honest it's one of the things they teach you when working at McDonald's)
     My wife and I have taught our daughter, that it is O.k to love someone no matter what gender they are, Love is love.  and who you love or choose to love or love for that minute, it is your business, not the government. Defiantly not the Church.. or the general public for that matter.. there is a quote from Elton John that I love, it makes me giggle a bit... but kinda fit
"There is nothing wrong with going to bed with someone of your own sex.  People should be very free with sex, they should draw the line at goats."  I really like this qoute...

 I don't have all the answers,  and I truly do wish that there wasn't a need for all these events, And I understand that people need a way to celebrate if nothing else then just an excuse for a holiday,   but then maybe instead of every weekend ,  we get a legislative vote for One official day..make a Gay Pride Day... official federal  holiday paid and everything.. why not? we get black history month, The Church(s) gets their separate holidays that everyone else Must RESPECT, every other group gets one, and the everyone complains we need more holidays to separates the months,   there we go.. I like it.. I would even vote for it... and anyone who actually knows me... that kinda never happens...

but anyways I have ranted.. I feel better... 
you all have a nice day

Just a little amendment: before the insults and criticisms come in "you don't know what it's like!" "how can you judge us"...shyt like that.. and this is something I had to think about posting after I had already posted my rant...
  I do know what it is like...
I am bisexual, and a pagan. (there now it's on the internet.. can't take that back..... THRRRRPPPP!!!!)
 I come from a predominately Christian family... and have spent most of my life in small towns, so I spent a long time hiding this two important parts about myself...
The day I "came out" on both fronts.. I was scared beyond belief.. I thought for sure I would be disowned, if not worse...
so ya, I do know what it is like... I just don't flaunt it, or throw it around, far as I am concerned it is nobodies business...
Later peoples

Friday, July 22, 2011

MMMM Pie.....

Qoute of the Day "If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe" ~ Dr. Carl Sagan

YAY !!!
The packing is basically done.. nothing left but the bare essentials..
you know like toiletry's, food and clothing, and the computer.... (can't live without the computer)
Which is great means on the day before the move the minor packing will be quick.
we are keeping the groceries to a bare minimum too, which is great, less food to move and less chance of things spoiling in the heat wave we are having right now..
the downside is... nothing fancy or fun... or in the case of today..

We are heading out to a party tonight for a friend Steph. , a night of somewhat adult company, a couple of beers, sitting outside, random debating...nothing to worry about, my plan.. to relax all day.. I earned it...
and then.....
around 1pm my wife calls....nothing to worry about she calls about random things or asks my option on things

Wife:" so you know the party tonight?"
Me:" Uhuh..... " OH NO!!! she gonna tell me I have to do something there goes my plans!! ACK!!!
Wife: "We gotta bring something to eat"
Me: SHYT!! I knew IT!!! " ok I will go pick something up to make"
Wife: "and while you are out.. we need...."
You all don't need to hear my honey-do list... but there goes my day of relaxing..
So Pack up the kid.. to Wal-mart we go... all the while trying to figure out what to make with the least amount of effort cause well it's Bleeding HOT!!   The plus side to this little side trip is...Air conditioning...
the down side is little old people.... they are everywhere...
now before you start on me.. I like old people, they have some of the coolest stories... but damn it they are in my way... my day of relaxing and I GOT PLANS PEOPLE!!!

but I digress... after taking a small ice cream break.. the wee miss was deserving of a treat... we finished the honey-do list... took a walk through the toy aisle and still haven't figured out what to make.. everything takes too long or to complex or just to expensive to make at this time... and then I saw it...PIE!!!!
It's quick
and who doesn't like pie... (if you don't like pie then your a heathen and will be burnt at the stake for you blasphemy!!!)
I not lazy enough even on my day of relaxing to buy one of those machine made pies...
so quickly I pay, dodge the old people pileup...pack the kid up and head back home... and now I making apple pie... The house smells great.. the temperature is plus 40 degrees in the house...
but there is Pie.... mmm pie

I might even share it...

Have a good day

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Boxed Heat

Quote of the day "Questions are never indiscreet, answers sometimes are." ~Oscar Wilde

Oh man it's hot!!
cook eggs on the sidewalk hot, which by the way is completely possible, concrete holds heat really well...
but I digress.
I have been busy packing, which is a roughly mindless job. sort, pack, label, repeat.. like washing hair without being at least comfortable.. but leaves my mind free for other things
so I started this blog to get my mind a place to put my thoughts and rants. which is kinda cool, but as I am
new to this.. there must be rules or social faux pas that I am not aware of
..things like how much information do I share? posting pictures of family members is this a good thing or bad, do I rant about the fight I had with my wife?? things like this I am beginning to wonder. how much to share, how much is over share????

   I mean I am not really a private person.... not even remotely.. the first thing I did after I recovered from my vasectomy, was go to my neighbor.. and go "wanna see my new scar???!!???"

But my wife on the other hand is.. to the point of secret service could take lessons...I am still learning things about my wife and we have been together for 5 years.... (some of them secrets scare me... LOL)

      I know the world is a paranoid place.. hell I am a paranoid person... I make a nightly patrol of the house... usually (with one of my swords in hand)around three or four in the morning.... it makes me feel better and doesn't hurt anyone ... is it being to paranoid to not post pictures of myself or family, am I am not being paranoid enough to post pictures. I mean there are people that are stranger then me... (the creepy strange, not the crazy uncle bob strange).

then there is the Rules of Blogging. I mean I am starting to write a blog is it expected That I must read others? I know others that blog, do I read theirs? do I have to comment on everything I come across??  and how do I find blogs that interest me? and then there is the design factor of the blog, how many widgets/gadgets/gizmos ect do I add... what types of links do add? what can't I add...sooooo many things... for just a simple blog, ACK!!!

There is a whole community on the internet of people that are doing the same thing? do I socialize online, or do I just write my stuff and then go back to the world that isn't attached to a monitor?  these are things I have been thinking about, and really haven't found any answers...

but back to the packing 13days to go...